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2024 Tax Tables

01 March 2023 - 29 February 2024
Income Tax Tables
Taxable Income Tax Rate
R 0 - R 237 100 18%
R 237 101 – R 370 500 R 42 678 + (26% of amount above R 237 100)
R 370 501 – R 512 800 R 77 362 + (31% of amount above R 370 500)
R 512 801 – R 673 000 R 121 475 + (36% of amount above R 512 800)
R 673 001 – R 857 900 R 179 147 + (39% of amount above R 673 000)
R 857 901 – R 1 817 000 R 251 258 + (41% of amount above R 857 900)
R 1 817 001 and above R 644 489 + (45% of amount above R 1 817 000)
Primary Rebate R 17 235
Secondary Rebate (Persons 65 and older) R 9 444
Tertiary Rebate (Persons 75 and older) R 3 145
Car Allowance Fixed Cost
Value of Vehicle Fixed Cost Fuel Cost Maintenance Cost
0 - 100 000 33 760 141.5 43.8
100 000 - 200 000 60 329 158.0 54.8
200 000 - 300 000 86 958 171.7 60.4
300 000 - 400 000 110 554 184.6 65.9
400 000 - 500 000 134 150 197.6 77.5
500 000 - 600 000 158 856 226.6 91.0
600 000 - 700 000 183 611 230.5 102.1
700 000 - 800 000 209 685 234.3 113.1
exceeding 800 000 209 685 234.3 113.1