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2021 Tax Tables

01 March 2020 - 28 February 2021
Income Tax Tables
Taxable Income Tax Rate
R 0 - R 205 900 18%
R 205 901 – R 321 600 R 37 062 + (26% of amount above R 205 900)
R 321 601 – R 445 100 R 67 144 + (31% of amount above R 321 600)
R 445 101 – R 584 200 R 105 429 + (36% of amount above R 445 100)
R 584 201 – R 744 800 R 155 505 + (39% of amount above R 584 200)
R 744 801 – R 1 577 300 R 218 139 + (41% of amount above R 744 800)
R 1 577 301 and above R 559 464 + (45% of amount above R 1 577 300)
Primary Rebate R 14 958
Secondary Rebate (Persons 65 and older) R 8 199
Tertiary Rebate (Persons 75 and older) R 2 736
Car Allowance Fixed Cost
Value of Vehicle Fixed Cost Fuel Cost Maintenance Cost
0 - 95 000 31 332 105.8 37.4
95 000 - 190 000 55 594 118.1 46.8
190 000 - 285 000 80 539 128.3 51.6
285 000 - 380 000 102 211 138.0 56.4
380 000 - 475 000 123 955 147.7 66.2
475 000 - 570 000 146 753 169.4 77.8
570 000 - 665 000 169 552 175.1 96.6
exceeding 665 000 169 552 175.1 96.6