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2017 Tax Tables

01 March 2016 - 28 February 2017
Income Tax Tables
Taxable Income Tax Rate
R 0 - R 188 000 18%
R 188 001 - R 293 600 R 33 840 + (26% of amount above R 188 000)
R 293 601 - R 406 400 R 61 296 + (31% of amount above R 293 600)
R 406 401 - R 550 100 R 96 264 + (36% of amount above R 406 400)
R 550 101 - R 701 300 R 147 996 + (39% of amount above R 550 100)
R 701 301 and above R 206 964 + (41% of amount above R 701 300)
Primary Rebate R 13 500
Secondary Rebate (Persons 65 and older) R 7 407
Tertiary Rebate (Persons 75 and older) R 2 466
Car Allowance Fixed Cost
Value of Vehicle Fixed Cost Fuel Cost Maintenance Cost
0 - 80 000 26 675 82.4 30.8
80 001 - 160 000 47 644 92.0 38.6
160 001 - 240 000 68 684 100.0 42.5
240 001 - 320 000 87 223 107.5 46.4
320 001 - 400 000 105 822 115.0 54.5
400 001 - 480 000 125 303 132.0 64.0
480 001 - 560 000 144 784 136.5 79.5
exceeding 560 000 144 784 136.5 79.5